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There are many different types of Christianity, each with their own unique beliefs and practices. The three major branches of Christianity are Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. 

Within these main branches, there are numerous smaller sub-groups. For example, within Protestantism, there are Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, and Pentecostals. Each type of Christianity has its own way of interpreting the Bible and its own traditions. 

In this guide, we will go through each.

What exactly is Christianity?

The simplest answer is that Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. But there is more to it than that. Christians believe in one God who created the world and all that is in it. 

They also believe that Jesus was born of a Virgin Mary, and was resurrected after his death on the cross.

Christians also have a shared set of ethical values and moral principles. They strive to follow Jesus’ example of love, forgiveness, and compassion. 

And they seek to spread his message of hope and salvation to all people.

No two Christians are exactly alike, but they all share a common faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

The Different Types of Christianity

Types of Christianity


Catholicism is the largest denomination of Christianity. There are an estimated 1.285 billion Catholics in the world. Catholicism is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible and interpreted by the magisterium, or teaching authority, of the Catholic Church.

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The Catholic Church teaches that there is one true God who exists as a Trinity of Persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became incarnate—that is, he was born a human being—and died on the cross to save humanity from sin and death.

The Catholic Church also teaches that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born without original sin and remained sinless throughout her life. She is venerated as the Queen of Heaven and is an important intercessor for believers with God. 

The Catholic Church teaches that all men will be judged by God and each individual soul will receive the appropriate reward or punishment for his actions on Earth. 

Mainstream Protestantism 

Protestantism began in the 16th century as a reaction to the corruption and excesses of the Catholic Church. Protestants believe in salvation by faith alone, and they emphasize the personal interpretation of Scripture. 

Today, there are many different Protestant denominations, each with its own beliefs and practices. 

But all Protestants share a commitment to evangelism and spreading the Christian message to as many people as possible. There are approximately 800 million Protestants worldwide today. 

Orthodox Christianity

Orthodox Christianity is one of the three main branches of Christianity, along with Catholicism and Protestantism. 

It is the oldest form of Christianity, and its roots can be traced back to the earliest days of the faith. Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both father and Son, and they hold fast to the teachings of the early Church Fathers. 

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They are also distinguished by their use of icons and their adherence to the Seven Sacraments. 

Orthodox Christianity is the largest branch of Christianity in terms of adherents, with an estimated 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide.  


Evangelicalism is a movement within Protestant Christianity that began in the 18th century. It emphasizes the personal experience of conversion and salvation, as well as the importance of spreading the gospel message to others.

Evangelical Christians believe that the Bible is the authoritative source of religious truth, and they place a strong emphasis on evangelism or sharing the gospel message with others. 

They also tend to be active in social and political issues, and many evangelical organizations are involved in relief work and other charitable efforts. 

Restoration Movement

The Restoration Movement was a Christian movement that began in the late 18th century. It had two main goals: to restore the church to its original state and to bring about Christian unity. 

The movement was started by men like Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone. They were dissatisfied with the current state of the church, which they saw as being too divided. They believed that the church should be unified under one head, Jesus Christ. 

To achieve these goals, Campbell and Stone established their own churches, which were open to people of all denominations. 

These churches became known as the “Restoration Movement Churches.” The members of these churches sought to live according to the New Testament teachings. 

Today, there are several different types of Christianity, but the Restoration Movement continues to exist in some form in many parts of the world.

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In brief

There are many different types of Christianity, each with their own unique beliefs and practices. The three largest branches of Christianity are Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy.

Catholicism is the oldest and largest branch of Christianity. It is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible, and as interpreted by the Church Fathers. Catholics believe in the authority of the Pope and the Seven Sacraments. They also place emphasis on good works and social justice.

Protestantism began in the 16th century as a reaction against certain practices of the Catholic Church, such as the sale of indulgences. Protestants believe in salvation by faith alone, and they do not recognize the authority of the Pope. 

They place more emphasis on individual interpretation of Scripture than on Church tradition. The word “Protestant” comes from the Latin protestatio meaning “protesting” or “declaring.”

Orthodoxy is the faith of those Christians who follow ancient Christian traditions and accept the authority of their patriarchs. The term “Orthodoxy” comes from the Greek orthos, meaning “right,” and doxa, meaning “belief. In the early centuries of the Church, there was no one “Orthodox” church. A number of different views and practices emerged in different areas at different times. 


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