Here are quotes about not being good enough for someone you love. I understand how it feels not to be accepted. You have tried all you had to make it work, but now, everything is hanging in the balance.
Don’t blame yourself for things not working out the way you wanted. Instead, be happy because you gave all your best.
That is the saving grace I always tell myself, I have given you all I had, it is now up to you to choose what to do with it.
I know how hard it can be to give someone your heart and pray they be careful with it. All I do is give you my heart and trust you not to squash it.
If you are in that position, here are quotes about not being good enough for someone you love.
Quotes about not being good enough for someone you love
“Nothing will knock you down quicker than offering the best of yourself to someone and it still not being good enough.” — M.W Poetry

“I felt so much, that I started to feel nothing.”
“I stopped talking about how I felt because I knew no one cared anyway.”
“I guess I’m just not good enough for anyone. I can’t make anyone stay. I’m not even good enough for an explanation.”

“I’m sorry that nothing I do is good enough.”
I’m a disappointment to everyone.
It feels like I am living every day trying to impress someone.
I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough for you. But trust me, I tried to be.
I guess I will never be the first option to you.
I wish that I was what you wanted.
There are times in your life when you realize that no matter what you do for some people, it will never be good enough.
I’m so in love with you but I’m getting used to the fact I’m never going to be good enough.
There are some people that will never see you as being good enough. That is their short-coming not yours, be merciful enough to yourself and cut them out of your life.
Anyone else ever feels like Cinderella? No, not the happily ever after part… doing everything for everyone and not being good enough part.
“She questioned her own beauty because of him he left scars on her self-esteem…” — r.h. sin
“And if you don’t like me, as I do you; I understand. Because who would really choose a daisy, in a field of roses?”
You may never be good enough for some people, but you will always be the best for those who deserve you. – Anonymous
“Don’t ever say you’re not good enough. If that person can’t see how amazing you are, then they’re the one who’s not good enough for you.”
“Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn’t give you credit.”
“Stay positive. Stay fighting. Stay brave. Stay ambitious. Stay focused. Stay strong.”
Sad Quotes about not being good enough for someone you love
- “Whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, keep it.
- “The struggle you’re in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.”
- I don’t know what “good enough” is but right now I’m the best I can be.
- I guess I will never be good enough so why even bother… It’s just the same old thing.
- I could be perfect and it still wouldn’t be good enough.
- “At your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person.”
- “Stop looking for happiness in the place you lost it.”
- “I think the worst feeling in the world knowing that someone you used to talk to every day doesn’t care about you anymore.”
“The person that tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest.”
“Sometimes all you can do is lie in your bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.”
“I don’t think people understand how stressful it is to explain what’s going on in your head when you don’t even understand it yourself.”
“I hate that I’m still hoping.”

“Today I realized you don’t care anymore. And then I realized, you probably never did anyway. And the saddest part of it all is that you made me believe you did.”
“Today my forest is dark. The trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings.”

“Who hurt you? My own expectations.”
“When she is happy she can’t stop talking. When she is sad, she doesn’t say a word.”
- “Sick of crying, tired of trying, yes I’m smiling but inside I’m dying.”
- I’m so in love with you but I’m getting used to the fact that I’ll never be good enough for you. – Anonymous
- Love is like a puzzle. When you’re in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken it takes a while to get everything back together. – Anonymous
- It hurts so much not to have you by my side, not to be around you, not to be with you. You are the pain that I won’t give up. – Anonymous
This quotes about not being good enough for someone you love is one that makes me cry all the time.
After reading the quotes about not being good enough for someone you love, you find that moving on is the only option.
Sad love quotes to help you move on
Here are some quotes to help you make that step.
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had, but I can’t because I know you won’t come after me & that’s what hurts the most.” Anonymous.
A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried. – Anonymous
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. – Unknown
It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love. – Miguel de Unamuno

“Some people are going to leave, but that’s not the end of your story. That’s the end of their part in your story.” ― Faraaz Kazi
If we must part forever, Give me but one kind word to think upon, And please myself with, while my heart’s breaking. – Thomas Otway
“It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.” – Ella Harper
When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut…it will heal but there will always be a scar. Anonymous
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